Share your story! Record a message to air on the show.


The Show

Welcome to This is Chaotic - a podcast all about the caregiving struggle. Join me as I navigate the caregiving experience with my family. New episodes are available every Monday on various platforms.


Hi, I'm Zuri. A while back, my mother began to decline from the metastatic breast cancer she had lived with for years. We provided in-home hospice care for her until she lost her battle with this horrible disease; and now, my father is living with lewy body dementia and parkinsonism. It will soon be six years in the caregiving trenches for me - and I have a lot to say about it. Join me for candid discussions about the difficulties of caregiving and the toll it takes on us as caregivers.


Please share your caregiving stories! Leave a recorded or written message to be aired on the show.

To Record a Message

  • click the mic icon in the bottom right corner
     microphone icon

To Write a Message

  • Fill out the contact form